UK and Spain

UK and Spain

Providing information for the UK and Spain

UK and Spain

Spanish language and English language

Objects in Spanish are either male or female. If you take a look at the list below you'll see the male and female words indicated by an (m) or an (f) after the name of the object in Spanish.

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You can see, for example, that the word for 'pig' is 'cerdo'. 'Cerdo' has an (m) after it, which means that the word 'cerdo' is male. If you wanted to say 'a pig' you would put the word 'un' ( meaning 'a') before 'cerdo': 'un cerdo'. Or if you wanted to say 'the pig' you would put the word 'el' (meaning 'the') before the word 'cerdo': 'el cerdo'.

Also, for example, on the list, you can see that the word for 'goat' is 'cabra'. 'Cabra' has an (f) after it, which means that the word 'cabra' is female. If you want to say 'a goat' you would put the word 'una' (meaning 'a') before the word 'cabra': 'una cabra'. Or if you wanted to say 'the goat' you would put the word 'la' (meaning 'the') before the word 'cabra': 'la cabra'.

Animals - Animales
Ant - Hormiga (f.)
Bee - Abeja (f.)
Beetle - Escarabajo (m.)
Bull - Toro (m.)
Camel - Camello (m.)
Cow - Vaca (f.)
Crocodile - Cocodrilo (m.)
Donkey - Burro (m.)
Frog - Rana (f.)
Giraffe - Jirafa (f.)
Goat - Cabra (f.)
Horse - Caballo (m.)
Jaguar - Jaguar (m.)
Kangaroo - Canguro (m.)
Leopard - Leopardo (m.)
Lion - Leon (m)
Mouse - Raton (m.)
Otter - Nutria (f.)
Penguin - Pinguino (m.)
Pig - Cerdo (m.)
Sheep - Oveja (f.)
Snake - Serpiente (f.)
Spider - Arana (f.)
Tiger - Tigre (m.)
Tortoise - Tortuga (f.)
Turkey - Pavo (m.)
Wolf - Lobo (m.)
Zebra - Cebra (f.)

Numbers - Numeros
One - Uno
Two - Dos
Three - Tres
Four - Cuatro
Five - Cinco
Six - Seis
Seven - Siete
Eight - Ocho
Nine - Nueve
Ten - Diez
Eleven - Once
Twelve - Doce
Thirteen - Trece
Fourteen - Catorce
Fifteen - Quince
Sixteen - Dieciseis
Seventeen - Diecisiete
Eighteen - Dieciocho
Nineteen - Diecinueve
Twenty - Veinte
Twenty-one - Veintiuno
Twenty-two, etc. - Veintidos, etc.
Thirty - Treinta
Forty - Cuarenta
Fifty - Cincuenta
Sixty - Sesenta
Seventy - Setenta
Eighty - Ochenta
Ninety - Noventa
Hundred - Cien
One thousand - Mil
Ten thousand - Diez mil
One hundred thousand - Cien mil
Million - Millon

Numbers (sequence) - Numeros (secuencia)
First - Primero
Second - Segundo
Third - Tercero
Fourth - Cuarto
Fifth - Quinto
Sixth - Sexto
Seventh - Septimo
Eighth - Octavo
Ninth - Noveno
Tenth - Decimo
Eleventh - Undecimo
Twelfth etc. - Duodecimo
Twentieth - Vigesimo
Twenty-first - Vigesimo primero
Twenty-second, etc - Vigesimo segundo, etc.
Thirtieth - Trigesimo
Fortieth - Cuadragesimo
Fiftieth - Quincuagesimo
Sixtieth - Sexagesimo
Seventieth - Septuagesimo
Eightieth - Octogesimo
Ninetieth - Nonagesimo
Hundredth - Centesimo
Thousandth - Milesimo

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