UK and Spain

UK and Spain

Providing information for the UK and Spain

UK and Spain

Bank holidays in the UK, (public holidays in the UK), national fiestas in Spain
and national holidays in Spain

Fiestas in Spain - Spain is well known for it's fiestas and colourful parades, and most of them are well worth seeing. Below is a calendar of the National Fiestas (also known as Red Days), which shows a list of fiestas and their translation or UK equivalent. Remember that, unlike the UK where it has become the norm to open shops etc on a bank holiday the same as any other day, in Spain a National Fiesta is time for the whole nation to Carnivals in Spaintake the day off including shops, banks and some cafes and bars, even if the fiesta falls in the middle of the week (which is normal). It's also worth knowing that where fiestas fall on Tuesdays or Thursdays, or when two fiestas fall in the same week separated by 1 day, some businesses choose to take an extra day i.e. the Monday or Friday or the middle day to link them together - this is called a 'puente' a bridge day.

Don't forget that a local fiesta also means that some businesses will be shut! However, if you need some shopping etc. urgently you may be able to travel to another town, out of the immediate area, where this particular fiesta is not celebrated. Some local festivals last over several days and include parades, music, paella contests and many other fun activities. The Spanish love to eat and have fun together, and fiestas and festivals are ideal times where families and the community in general strengthen their bond of friendship by joining together in some of the above mentioned activities.

Carnival time - most cities, town and even small villages in Spain celebrate the 'carnival season' during the months of February or March, depending upon when Easter falls that year.  One of the most popular explanations for the origin of the name 'carnival' is that the word comes from the Italian words "carne levare", which in turn comes from the Latin words "caro" meaning flesh or meat, and "vale" meaning goodbye or Easter parades in Spainfarewell. So "Carnival" literally means "Goodbye to meat". This makes sense as the carnival always falls just before Lent, which is, in Catholic tradition, a period of 40 days and nights when eating meat is forbidden.

Easter is probably the most important time in the catholic calendar, and the celebration processions are a vital part of the commemoration of the historic and holy events. The date that Easter is celebrated varies from year to year (see the tables above for the correct dates), however, the date for Easter in Spain is the same as the UK.  At Easter time there are a selection of processions including Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Sunday. These parades portray the events that preceded the crucifixion of Jesus, and subsequent resurrection. The Easter parades are an important tradition in Spanish life and the majority of the local people are involved in one way or another. Musical bands play an important role in the parades and set the atmosphere of the story that is being told. Children and adults take great pride in representing their band by playing in the street processions, and the music is of a high Moors and Christians in Spainstandard.

Moors and Christians - some of the most entertaining parades are the ones to celebrate the history of the Moors and Christians. The majority of towns and cities in Spain, although not all, regard this fiesta as an important festival, and 'party' in good Spanish style! The festival processions tell the story of the invasion and storming of the castle by the Moors, and include mock fights, in period costume, as the battles between the Moors and Christians are re-enacted.  The Moors and Christians festival is a very historical but fun event which includes something for everyone, and it's not to be missed!

To see updated details of local holidays in Torrevieja and fiestas in Torrevieja, plus details of national holidays in Torrevieja and national holidays in Spain and national fiestas in Spain, just click on the link below :
Local holidays and fiestas in Torrevieja, plus details of national holidays in Torrevieja

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